Thursday, November 29, 2012

Is This What You Want?

Overall, fast food has no benefits at all. There is almost no nutritional value, yet there are so many negative effects. Why do we still eat these foods, even though we know that there is no positive outcome to eating them? Because once we eat it that first time, we become addicted. Eventually, our bodies cannot function properly without getting these foods. The video in this blog post includes clips from “Super Size Me,” a documentary that took place in 2004 featuring Morgan Spurlock. In this film, Morgan eats fast food for every meal for thirty days straight. This documentary shows what happens to his body both physically and physiologically as well as describing the harm that his body has been put through. The information brought forth throughout this blog includes many proven facts and statistics that show how dangerous fast food can be. Clearly, there is no positive outcome to eating these foods, but only an outcome that is damaging to our health system. Due to its addictiveness, the only way to protect ourselves from the risks fast food endangers us of is to rid our diet of fast food completely.  Yes, it may be convenient at times, but is that worth obesity or even a heart disease? No it is not. Nothing is worth putting our lives at risk of any type of disease or the possibility of death so that we may feel pleasure for a few moments. To overcome this fast food epidemic within our nation, we must rid ourselves completely of fast food. Although it seems as though this will have no effect, the people around us will begin to be influenced and a chain reaction will begin, resulting in a nation with no fast food and healthy citizens.

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